Liked on YouTube: Elon Musk Incredible Speech – Motivational video 2017

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Elon Musk Incredible Speech – Motivational video 2017

Elon Reeve Musk is a South African-born Canadian American business magnate, investor, engineer, and inventor.

Elon Musk:
CEO and CTO of SpaceX
CEO and product architect of Tesla, Inc.
CEO of Neuralink
Chairman of SolarCity
Co-chairman of OpenAI
Founder of The Boring Company

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Liked on YouTube: Portrait of Lotte, 0 to 18 years

Lotte Hofmeester becomes 18 years old in this timelapse film. Go see the new ‚Portrait of Lotte, 0 to 20 years‘
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Check out ‚Portrait of Vince – 0 to 16 years‘

„Subscribe“ Dutch artist & filmmaker Frans Hofmeester has filmed his daughter’s portrait every week since birth. The images are shot in the same style. With this footage he creates time-lapses which show the aging of his children within minutes.

He made an incredible „coming of age“ time-lapse. You are witness to one of the most mysterious, profound processes of human life – aging, the process of becoming older and growing up – accelerated into 5 1/2 minutes.

The beautiful song ‘Levantine’ by pianist Michiel Borstlap from the album ‘Blue’ (‘Songs from father to daughter’) is featured in the film ‘Portrait of Lotte, 0 to 18 years’.

To better understand the psychological phenomena of memory and time, Hofmeester sought for a concept that could be supported through the mediums of film and photography.

The time-lapses confront us with our mortality. In a montage of less than 6 minutes, the viewer can observe one of the most mysterious and profound processes in human life – to grow up and age.

Hofmeester attempts to create and preserve a sense of reality. Thus, the portraits are created without the use of extra make-up or filters – bare, honest, unpolished and uncensored.

From baby to young adult in 5 ½ minutes. Enjoy!

De Nederlandse Lotte Hofmeester uit Utrecht is 18 geworden. Razendsnel veranderd ze in 5:37 min. van baby tot 18 jaar.

Frans Hofmeester filmt zijn dochter Lotte en zoon Vince sinds hun geboorte iedere week. Een paar jaar geleden ging een montage die hij daarvan maakte het internet over. De video was toen in veel landen ook op tv te zien. De Utrechter heeft 28 oktober op Lotte haar verjaardag, het volgende hoofdstuk gepubliceerd: Lotte van baby tot 18 jaar.

《Lotte 的肖像,0 至 18 歲》
來自荷蘭烏得勒支的電影人兼藝術家Frans Hofmeester,由孩子 Lotte 和 Vince 誕生以後,便一直為他們拍攝照片。


Hier finden Sie die Zeitraffer Filme von Lotte.

Frans Hofmeester a filmé sa fille Lotte de 0 à 18 ans.

El cineasta Holandés Frans Hofmeeste, se dio a la tarea de filmar a su hija Lotte durante su crecimiento en el transcurso de 18 años. El resultado fue este.

Pai filma transformação da filha dos 0 aos 18 anos.
Frans Hofmeester filmou o crescimento da sua filha Lotte e mostrou em vídeo a evolução da jovem.

Отец снимал дочь каждую неделю в течении 18 ЛЕТ.

„To use this video in a commercial player, advertising or in broadcasts, etc. Please email Frans Hofmeester:
#aging #portrait #timelapse

Liked on YouTube: How to: T-Shirt schnell falten – T-Shirt schnell falten Tutorial

Wie ihr ein T-Shirt schnell falten könnt, seht ihr in diesem T-Shirt schnell falten Tutorial. Übung, Geschick und das Kleidungsstück, mehr braucht ihr nicht-
Eine DIY Anleitung, schnell und einfach zum Ordnung schaffen für den Kleiderschrank Zuhause. Viel Spaß mit den hiflreichen Tipps und Tricks, Sport, Spiele, Basteln, Hobby und Freizeit Hilfen by ratgeberTVision. Mehr von unserem Kanal findet ihr hier:

Liked on YouTube: This Video Will Leave You SPEECHLESS – One of The Most Eye Opening Motivational Videos Ever

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Special Thanks to Bennington College for the video license!

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Footage licensed through Videoblocks and Videohive.


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Liked on YouTube: [DE] Lernen Sie Steel HR Sport, die Multisport Hybrid Smartwatch von Withings, kennen

Steel HR Sport ist eine Hybrid Smartwatch, die eigens für die spezi schen Bedürfnisse Ihres Work-outs entwickelt wurde :

Herzfrequenz-Überwachung: Nutzen Sie eine detaillierte Übersicht der in den einzelnen Herzfrequenz-Zonen zugebrachten Zeit (leichte, mittlere und intensive Intervalle sowie Höchstwerte)

Connected GPS: Tracken Sie spezi sche Trainings-Sessions, wie etwa Laufen, Radfahren oder Gehen und sehen Sie sich nach dem Training die Strecke der Session auf einer Landkarte an, einschließlich Entfernungen, Tempo und Höhenmeter.

Fitnessniveau: Beurteilung Ihrer Herz-Kreislauf- Gesundheit beim Laufen auf Grundlage der VO2max-Schätzung.

24/7 Aktivitätstracking: Automatisches Tracken von Gehen, Laufen, Schwimmen, Schlafen, Entfernungen & verbrannten Kalorien

Multi-Sport-Tracking: Wählen Sie Ihr Work- out aus 30 verschiedenen Aktivitäten und aktivieren Sie den Trainingsmodus direkt am Handgelenk

Wasserdichte bis zu 50 m (5 atm)

Schlafanalyse: Erstellung eines Schlaf- Index auf Grundlage der Leicht- und Tiefschlafphasen sowie der Schlafdauer und von Schlafunterbrechungen

Stellen Sie den stillen Vibrationsalarm ein und aktivieren die Smart Wake-Up Funktion und wachen Sie zum idealen Zeitpunkt innerhalb Ihres Schlafzyklus auf.

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Health Mate App: Automatische Synchronisierung mit der kostenfreien Health Mate App, die Verlaufsentwicklungen abbildet und vielfältige Einblicke und Programme sowie Belohnungen zum Freischalten bietet.

Liked on YouTube: Bill Gates Breaks Down 6 Moments From His Life | WIRED

Bill Gates reflects on six important moments from his life and career, from teaching students to program in high school to his relationships with Melinda Gates, Warren Buffett, and Paul Allen, co-founder of Microsoft, who passed away on October 15.

This video was recorded on August 31, prior to Mr. Allen’s passing, and had previously been scheduled for release this week. Bill Gates and WIRED dedicate this video to him.

Bill Gates released the following statement about his friend and colleague on October 15:

“I am heartbroken by the passing of one of my oldest and dearest friends, Paul Allen. From our early days together at Lakeside School, through our partnership in the creation of Microsoft, to some of our joint philanthropic projects over the years, Paul was a true partner and dear friend. Personal computing would not have existed without him.

“But Paul wasn’t content with starting one company. He channeled his intellect and compassion into a second act focused on improving people’s lives and strengthening communities in Seattle and around the world. He was fond of saying, ‘If it has the potential to do good, then we should do it.’ That’s the kind of person he was.

“Paul loved life and those around him, and we all cherished him in return. He deserved much more time, but his contributions to the world of technology and philanthropy will live on for generations to come. I will miss him tremendously.”

–Bill Gates, Co-Founder of Microsoft and Co-Chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Read more about Paul Allen at

Read more from Bill Gates on his blog:

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Bill Gates Breaks Down 6 Moments From His Life | WIRED

Liked on YouTube: Adam Savage’s One Day Builds: 1000 Shot NERF Blaster!

Don’t miss out on our NEXT NERF mod! Subscribe (and click the bell for notifications):

NERF Rival:
NERF Rival Refill Pack:

Adam picks up a NERF Rival Nemesis blaster, and upgrades it with a custom magazine to hold a THOUSAND soft plastic NERF balls. Watch as Adam builds the new magazine from scratch, uses kit-bashing to detail the blaster, and adds more upgrades like the bi-pod and laser. And to test this massive rig, Adam sets his sights on some prehistoric prey! Life finds a way!

Shot and edited by Joey Fameli and Gunther Kirsch

Disclaimer: Tested may earn an affiliate commission when you buy through the links here.

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Tested is:
Adam Savage
Norman Chan
Simone Giertz
Joey Fameli
Gunther Kirsch
Ryan Kiser
Kishore Hari
Sean Charlesworth
Jeremy Williams
Kayte Sabicer
Bill Doran
Ariel Waldman
Kristen Lomasney

Intro bumper by Abe Dieckman
Set build by Asa Hillis
Set design by Danica Johnson

Thanks for watching!

#AdamSavage #OneDayBuild #NERF

Liked on YouTube: GEPHI – Network visualization tutorial [HD]

Introduction to network analysis and visualization with GEPHI. Datasets and tutorial here:
Papers using Gephi: and and
[NOTICE] No, there’s no sound, that’s a way to make this tutorial available for non-english speakers (and for people working without headphones), with all the informations displayed during the tutorial (and a comprehensive tutorial online to complete the video, link above).