Show the Library folder with Mac OS X Lion

By default the Library folder is hidden on Mac OS X Lion. Two options to get to the library folder:

  1. access it directly with Command+Shift+G from the Finder (or via the menu Finder > Go > Go to Folder) and type in ~/Library or
  2. disable the hidden library permanently with typing in the Terminal command „chflags nohidden ~/Library/“

Mac OS X Lion

Mac OS X Lion install is done as of today. If you upgrade your system and want to keep the installation file from the AppStore Download make a copy of it before starting the install process. After Lion is installed the huge file downloaded from will be deleted.
Warning: there is no Rosetta emulation layer any more – so all PowerPC programs on your system will not be running any more.
… and do plan some time for getting used to the new feature called „natural scrolling“ 🙂

Create your own QR codes with the Google Charts API

Quick Response Codes a.k.a. QR Codes are appearing everywhere. How do they work? Simply point your smartphone camera with a QR app running to the logo and you will automatically be shown the encoded text or forwarded to a website. With the above QR code you will be redirected to this homepage. If you want to make your own QR code this can be easily done with the Google Charts API. Simply point your browser to×150&cht=qr&chl=SOME+TEXT+OF+YOUR+OWN&choe=UTF-8 and replace the text with whatever you want. For the QR above I used×150&cht=qr&chl= For spaces use the plus sign. That’s it.