history of the entire world, i guess



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Svetlana Kapanina – Sochi „Olympic Sky 2015“


© Artur Sarkisyan – Sochi Olimpic Sky 2015
С этой камеры велась прямая трансляция на шоу „ОЛИМПИЙСКОЕ НЕБО“ в Сочи 30-31 мая 2015г.
*Абсолютная чемпионка мира среди женщин (1996, 1998, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2011)[9].
*Абсолютная чемпионка Всемирных воздушных Игр среди женщин (1997, 2001).
*Абсолютная чемпионка России среди женщин (1991, 2001).
*Чемпионка СССР по высшему пилотажу (1991).
*Абсолютная чемпионка Европы среди женщин (1997, 2006, 2014).
*Тридцативосьмикратная чемпионка мира в отдельных видах программы среди женщин (1996, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013).
*Восьмикратная Чемпионка Всемирных воздушных игр (1997, 2001).
*Семнадцатикратная Чемпионка Европы (1997, 2006, 2014).
*Обладатель 67 золотых, 22 серебряных, 12 бронзовых медалей чемпионатов Мира, Европы и Гран-При ФАИ.
Светлана завоёвывала награды чаще, чем кто-либо из коллег. Также, она была лучшей среди женщин на Всемирных Авиационных Играх 2001 — абсолютный чемпион среди женщин в 1997 и 2001 гг.
Creative Commons License
Svetlana Kapanina – Sochi „Olympic Sky 2015“ by Artur Sarkisyan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at https://www.youtube.com/user/ArturSarkisyan326.

Welche Auswirkungen hat der Brexit auf den Maschinenbau


Warum der Brexit den Maschinenbau Geld kostet und was deutsche Unternehmen aufgrund des Brexits zu befürchten haben, erklärt David McAllister, Abgeordeneter im europäischen Parlament. Erfahren Sie außerdem von Matthias Meyer, Managing Director von Heller Machine Tools UK, wie der deutsche Werkzeugmaschinenbauer auch in Zukunft wirtschaftlich in Großbritannien produziert. Stewart Lane von Renishaw berichtet schließlich, warum sich das englische Unternehmen nicht vor dem Brexit fürchtet.

Best Warren Buffett speech


Bear with me as I share a bit of my history that helped me create SkyVu and the Battle Bears games. The University of Nebraska gave me my first job after college. I mostly pushed TV carts around, edited videos for professors or the occasional speaker event. One day, Warren Buffet came to campus to speak to the College of Business. I didn’t think much of this speech at the time but I saved it for some reason. 15 years later, as a founder of my own company, I watch and listen to this particular speech every year to remind myself of the fundamentals and values Mr. Buffett looks for. He’s addressing business students at his alma mater, so I think his style here is a bit more ‚close to home‘ than in his other speeches. Hopefully many of you find great value in this video like I have. Sorry for the VHS flickering line on the right side.

Here are my take aways:

Accounting is the language of business.
For founders, nothing can beat painting your own painting.
Apply the „Newspaper Test“ to all your decisions.
Know and take care of your Durable Competitive Advantage.
Choose your heroes carefully because you will become them.
You are your children’s natural hero, embrace that role.

Portrait of Lotte, 0 to 18 years


Lotte becomes 18 years old in this timelapse film!
Check out the new video ‚Portrait of Vince – 0 to 16 years‘

„Subscribe“ Dutch filmmaker and artist Frans Hofmeester has been filming his children Lotte and Vince since birth. Every week the images are shot in the same style. With this footage he creates time-lapses which show the aging of his children within minutes.

He made an incredible „coming of age“ time-lapse. You are witness to one of the most mysterious, profound processes of human life – aging, the process of becoming older and growing up – accelerated into 5 1/2 minutes.

The beautiful song ‘Levantine’ by pianist Michiel Borstlap from the album ‘Blue’ (‘Songs from father to daughter’) is featured in the film ‘Portrait of Lotte, 0 to 18 years’.

To better understand the psychological phenomena of memory and time, Hofmeester sought for a concept that could be supported through the mediums of film and photography.

The time-lapses confront us with our mortality. In a montage of less than 6 minutes, the viewer can observe one of the most mysterious and profound processes in human life – to grow up and age.

Hofmeester attempts to create and preserve a sense of reality. Thus, the portraits are created without the use of extra make-up or filters – bare, honest, unpolished and uncensored.

From baby to young adult in 5 ½ minutes. Enjoy!

De Nederlandse Lotte Hofmeester uit Utrecht is 18 geworden. Razendsnel veranderd ze in 5:37 min. van baby tot 18 jaar.

Frans Hofmeester filmt zijn dochter Lotte en zoon Vince sinds hun geboorte iedere week. Een paar jaar geleden ging een montage die hij daarvan maakte het internet over. De video was toen in veel landen ook op tv te zien. De Utrechter heeft 28 oktober op Lotte haar verjaardag, het volgende hoofdstuk gepubliceerd: Lotte van baby tot 18 jaar.

《Lotte 的肖像,0 至 18 歲》
來自荷蘭烏得勒支的電影人兼藝術家Frans Hofmeester,由孩子 Lotte 和 Vince 誕生以後,便一直為他們拍攝照片。


Hier finden Sie die Zeitraffer Filme von Lotte.

Frans Hofmeester a filmé sa fille Lotte de 0 à 18 ans.

El cineasta Holandés Frans Hofmeeste, se dio a la tarea de filmar a su hija Lotte durante su crecimiento en el transcurso de 18 años. El resultado fue este.

Pai filma transformação da filha dos 0 aos 18 anos.
Frans Hofmeester filmou o crescimento da sua filha Lotte e mostrou em vídeo a evolução da jovem.

Отец снимал дочь каждую неделю в течении 18 ЛЕТ.

„To use this video in a commercial player, advertising or in broadcasts, etc. Please email Frans Hofmeester: info@franshofmeester.nl
#aging #portrait #timelapse

How does SpaceX get these amazing camera shots?


Ever wondered how we get such smooth tracking shots of rockets moving at incredibly fast speeds? In this video, I talk about the camera equipment that’s used and how it was used in the past.

This is Primal Space’s very first video. If you enjoyed it, let me know and subscribe so you can see more!

Support Primal Space by becoming a Patron!

Twitter: https://twitter.com/thePrimalSpace

Elon Musk Incredible Speech – Motivational video 2017


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▲Really Slow Motion


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PATREON SUPPORTERS! „Thank you So Much!“
John Ernstein, Matthew Lloyd, Eaton Asher, Gulraj S Bains, R Gill, Ivan Mashkov, Marcos Welker, Johnathan Castaneda, ServaniX, MorgueTV, Loren Robinson, Shilpa Reddy, Martin Schmid, Petra Otten, Louis Hodges, Tempest_101, Adil Karrak, Matt Alexander, Andrew W, Mindgate17, Dan Ozanick, Emil Ihsan-Alexander Torabi, Raphael Bauer, Alex Malitsky, Scott Timpanelli, Laila Organics, Ashley Munsamy, Tawanda Kanyangarara, Motivational Movement, Martin Stevens, Elaina, Derek Ragan


Elon Musk Incredible Speech – Motivational video 2017

Elon Reeve Musk is a South African-born Canadian American business magnate, investor, engineer, and inventor.

Elon Musk:
CEO and CTO of SpaceX
CEO and product architect of Tesla, Inc.
CEO of Neuralink
Chairman of SolarCity
Co-chairman of OpenAI
Founder of The Boring Company

Help us caption & translate this video!


Ferrari Evolution (1947-2017)


By far the best video made on The Evolution Of Ferrari !
If you enjoyed this video, be sure to give it a thumbs up and subscribe and why not, share it!
I spend a lot of time, working on this video.

Music used in this video (provided by NCS):
TULE – Lost
Shipwreck – Ark

What I used to make this video:
Adobe Photoshop CS6
Wondershare Filmora
Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2017